Team V.R | 18 December 2021 | 957 MB
音乐制作套件专业版是唯一使用 AI 处理技术的音频插件订阅,为您提供混音每一步的自定义起点,从分配混响到添加最后的母带处理润色。 通过插件间通信,您的 iZotope 插件可以相互监听以检测音轨和人声之间的掩蔽,帮助建议电平平衡设置,甚至让您在可视空间中混音音轨。 内部内容 适合
场合的 EQ
Neutron 的精准 EQ 可帮助您塑造音轨并消除掩蔽。 Nectar 的 EQ 可跟踪您的人声的谐波,让您创造出独特的音调。 Ozone 的 EQ 可以在中/侧工作,以实现更大的精准灵活性。
使用 Nectar Compressor 中的四种可选模式在多个频段压缩乐器,并使用 Ozone 的 Dynamics 插件在中/侧压缩乐器。使用 Nectar Compressor 的四种可选模式为人声添加经典的冲击力和能量。
使用 Ozone 的 Maximizer 和 Vintage Limiter 让您的混音保持竞争力,让您快速增加响度而不牺牲动态。
创新和现代的 DSP
使用 Spectral Shaper 和 Low-End Focus 等专用工具修复不可能的混音问题。使用基于目标的处理通过 Neutron Sculptor 轻松为您的乐器添加冲击力和清晰度。
使用 10 多个 RX 插件修复音频,避免出现噪音、咔嗒声和其他伪影等常见音频问题。
Neutron Pro v3.8.0
Ozone Pro v9.11.0
RX Pro for Music v9.2.0
Nectar Pro v3.6.1
Melodyne v5.1.1
Relay v1.2.1
Visual Mixer v3.7.0
Neoverb Pro v1.1.0
Tonal Balance Control Pro v2.4.0
VocalSynth Pro v2.4.1
Insight Pro v2.2.0
rev.2 – RX 更新到 v9.2.00
Music Production Suite Pro
All the tools you love, always up to date
A suite of professional audio production tools to help you deliver the highest quality sound to your clients.
Plug-ins that listen to your audio…
and to each other
Music Production Suite Pro is the only audio plug-in subscription that uses AI-powered processing to give you a customized starting point for every step of the mix, from assigning reverb to adding the final mastering polish. With inter-plugin communication, your iZotope plug-ins listen to each other to detect masking between your tracks and vocals, help suggest level balance settings, and even let you mix your tracks in a visual space.
What’s Inside
EQ for every occasion
Neutron’s surgical EQ helps you sculpt your tracks and remove masking. Nectar’s EQ tracks the harmonics of your vocal to let you create unique tones. Ozone’s EQ can work in Mid/Side for even more surgical flexibility.
Modern and vintage dynamics
Compress instruments in multiple bands with the four selectable modes in Nectar’s Compressor and in mid/side with Ozone’s Dynamics plug-in. Add classic punch and energy to vocals with Nectar Compressor’s four selectable modes.
Professional mastering tools
Keep your mixes competitive with Ozone’s Maximizer and Vintage Limiter, letting you quickly add loudness without sacrificing dynamics.
Innovative and modern DSP
Fix impossible mix problems with specialized tools like Spectral Shaper and Low-End Focus. Use target-based processing to easily add impact and clarity to your instruments with Neutron Sculptor.
Repair the perfect take
Save your takes from common audio issues like noise, clicks, and other artifacts with 10+ RX plug-ins for audio repair.
Neutron Pro v3.8.0
Ozone Pro v9.11.0
RX Pro for Music v9.2.0
Nectar Pro v3.6.1
Melodyne v5.1.1
Relay v1.2.1
Visual Mixer v3.7.0
Neoverb Pro v1.1.0
Tonal Balance Control Pro v2.4.0
VocalSynth Pro v2.4.1
Insight Pro v2.2.0
rev.2 – RX updated to v9.2.0
