BUBBiX | 24 January 2025 | 11.81 MB
Bass 是您音轨的主要动力源。因此,我们创造了终极的多合一贝斯雕刻工具,专为速度和力量而设计。Bassrift 无缝分离贝斯信号的低频和高频,使您能够制作一个紧凑、隆隆的低频,同时为高频添加迷人而惊人的效果。所有这些都以最大的易用性和效率实现。
BassRift 主要特点
BassRift 是您制作令人毛骨悚然的贝斯旋律的门户,这些贝斯旋律在混音中占据主导地位并吸引您的听众。无论您是制作 EDM、现代流行音乐和嘻哈音乐,还是任何需要无情低端存在的流派,BassRift 都是您不可或缺的工具,以无与伦比的精度和深度塑造音轨的基础。但 BassRift 不仅擅长合成贝斯。你也会在贝斯吉他上获得令人难以置信的结果。
BassRift 的 Split 部分在选定的分频点将输入信号分成两个流:低频使用 Safe Bass 功能进行细化以增强坚固性,而高频则受到各种效果以增加质感和深度。每个部分都有一个独立的增益控制,您可以决定分频器的陡峭程度。
Safe Bass 组件专门用于保持和增强 Bass 音轨的效力。它包括一个压缩器和增强器,增强了贝斯线的清晰度和强度,从而在混音中产生冲击力。此外,它还允许将立体声信号合并为单声道,从而确保各种播放平台上低频的稳定性和均匀性。
FX 部分
拆分后,Bassrift 通过三级效果部分运行高频。每个模块都可以从四种效果中进行选择,并且可以通过双旋钮轻松控制,以最大限度地提高您的工作速度。模块的顺序可以根据需要更改。
在 BassRift 的 Flow 部分,您可以为贝斯线注入迷人的调制效果(Chorus、Flange、Wobble 和 Phase)。只需两个旋钮,“Amount” 就可以让你调整所选效果的强度,而 “Rate” 则控制它的速度。从微妙的合唱到旋转的移相器,轻松精确地塑造您的声音,毫不费力地为您的音轨增加深度和动感。
Space (空间) 部分的广阔领域用于创建大气纹理。“Amount” 旋钮允许你调整所选效果的强度,而 “Time” 旋钮则决定其持续时间。无论你是渴望空灵的混响、延迟、共鸣梳状滤波器,还是令人着迷的反转,Space 部分都可以为你的贝斯线增加深度和维度。
BassRift 的加热部分是原始能量与声波砂砾相遇的地方。使用 Amount“ 旋钮调整您选择的失真类型的强度,并使用 ”Dirt“ 塑造其特征和纹理。无论您是在寻找 Crush、Rash 的激进咬合、Tube 的温暖饱和,还是 Fold 失真的和声丰富的折叠,Heat 部分都能让您毫不费力地为贝斯线添加深度、边缘和态度。
Merge 部分将先前分离的信号混合成一个内聚力。利用具有高通和低通滤波器的 EQ 模块,以外科手术般的精度塑造您的低音频率,确保清晰度和焦点。然后,释放 Maximizer 的力量,将您的贝斯线提升到最大潜力,为每个音符增加冲击力、存在感和冲击力。
逼真的 3D 但灵活的 GUI
该插件逼真的图形用户界面让您感觉自己正在触摸真实的硬件。但它很容易适应您的需求。您可以随时拖动右下角的箭头来更改其大小 – 使其更小以节省宝贵的屏幕空间,或放大它以使其更易于使用。
Fuel Your Basslines
Bass is the main power source of your tracks. Therefore, we created the ultimate all-in-one bass sculpting tool designed for speed and power. Bassrift seamlessly separates the low and high frequencies of your bass signal, empowering you to craft a tight, rumbling bottom end while simultaneously adding captivating and astonishing effects to the upper frequencies. All that with maximum simplicity of use and efficiency.
BassRift Key Features
(Not just) electronic bass
BassRift is your gateway to crafting spine-tingling basslines that dominate the mix and captivate your audience. Whether you’re producing EDM, modern pop and hip-hop, or any genre that demands a relentless low-end presence, BassRift is your indispensable tool for sculpting the foundation of your tracks with unparalleled precision and depth. But it’s not only synth bass that BassRift is good for. You’ll get incredible results on bass guitar, too.
Split the signal
The Split section of BassRift divides the incoming signal into two streams at a selected crossover point: the lower frequencies are refined using the Safe Bass feature for enhanced solidity, while the upper frequencies are subjected to various effects for added texture and depth. Each section has an independent gain control, and you may decide the steepness of the crossover.
Make a solid foundation
The Safe Bass component is dedicated to preserving and enhancing the potency of your bass tracks. It includes a compressor and enhancer, fortifying the clarity and strength of your basslines for an impactful presence in the mix. Furthermore, it allows for the consolidation of the stereo signal into mono, ensuring the solidity and uniformity of low frequencies across various playback platforms.
FX section
After the split, Bassrift runs upper frequencies through a three-stage effect section. Each of the modules can choose from four effects and is easily controlled by a dual knob to maximize the speed of your work. The modules’ order can be changed as you wish.
Control the flow
In the Flow section of BassRift, you can infuse your basslines with captivating modulation effects (Chorus, Flange, Wobble and Phase). With just two knobs, “Amount” lets you adjust the intensity of your chosen effect while “Rate” controls its speed. From subtle choruses to swirling phasers, sculpt your sound with ease and precision, effortlessly adding depth and movement to your tracks.
Add some space
The expansive realm of the Space section is here to create atmospheric textures. The “Amount” knob allows you to dial in the intensity of your selected effect, while “Time” shapes its duration. Whether you’re craving ethereal reverbs, delays, resonant comb filters, or mesmerizing reverses, the Space section is here to add depth and dimension to your basslines.
Increase the heat
The heat section of BassRift is where raw energy meets sonic grit. Dial the intensity of your chosen distortion type with the Amount” knob, and shape its character and texture with “Dirt”. Whether you’re seeking the aggressive bite of Crush, Trash, the warm saturation of Tube, or the harmonically rich folds of Fold distortion, the Heat section empowers you to add depth, edge, and attitude to your basslines with effortless precision.
The final touch
The Merge section blends the previously split signals into a cohesive force. Utilize the EQ module, featuring high-pass and low-pass filters, to sculpt your bass frequencies with surgical precision, ensuring clarity and focus. Then, unleash the power of the maximizer to elevate your basslines to their fullest potential, adding punch, presence, and impact to every note.
Automatic Gain Compensation
Automatic gain compensation quickly adapts to current settings and ensures the output sounds as loud as the input. This even protects you from thinking that something sounds better. In some cases, it is just louder.
Realistic 3D yet flexible GUI
The photorealistic graphic user interface of the plugin gives you the feeling you are touching the real hardware. But it easily adapts to your needs. You can always drag the arrow in the bottom right corner to change its size – make it smaller to save valuable screen space, or enlarge it to make it easier to use.
