Win:Team R2R | 05 April 2022 | WiN: 13.0 MB | MAC: 44.9 MB
Mac:MORiA | AU | VST | VST3 | AAX* | 44 MB
DeVerberate 3 — 现在基于深度学习。
DeVerberate 是一个混响减少插件,可以减弱或增强录制材料中已经存在的混响。新版本包含一个基于深度学习的全新算法,可全自动减少录制对话的混响。
使用 DeVerberate,您现在可以轻松挽救混响或声学空间过多的对话录音,而无需昂贵的重新拍摄或 ADR!
DeVerberate – Early Reflections Filter.png
DeVerberate 3 中的早期反射滤波器
版本 2 中的混响减少算法适用于音乐和其他音频源。这两种算法都将传入的音频分成直接声音和混响声音的估计值,然后可以自由地重新组合。
Acon Digital DeVerberate 3 可用作 Windows 和 Mac 的 VST、VST3 或 AAX,或 Mac 的 AU 插件。Windows 有 32 位和 64 位版本。Mac 版本为 64 位,可在 ARM(如 Apple M1)和 Intel 处理器上本地运行。
在 PC (Windows) 上可用作 VST、VST3 或 AAX 插件
在 Apple Macintosh (OSX) 上可用作 VST、VST3、AAX 或 AU 插件 提供
原生 32 位和 64 位版本
Mac 版可在 ARM64 和 Intel 上原生运行
支持高达 96 kHz 的采样率
Acon Digital DeVerberate
基于深度学习的全自动对话混响减少 适用
用于减少水平的频率强调滤波器 具有
可变斜率的高低搁架滤波器(-3 至 -96 dB / 倍频程)
具有可调带宽的高低峰值滤波器(0.1 至 3.0 倍频程)
EUCON 和完整的 Pro Tools HW 控制器支持
DeVerberate is a reverb reduction plug-in that can attenuate or boost the reverberation that is already present in recorded material. The new version includes an entirely new algorithm based on deep learning for fully automatic reverb reduction of recorded dialogue.
By training a neural network on thousands of high-quality voice recordings and a wide variety of acoustical surroundings, the artificial intelligence can automatically separate dialogue from reverb.
With DeVerberate, you can now easily rescue dialogue recordings with excessive reverb or acoustic space without costly re-shoots or ADR!
DeVerberate – Early Reflections Filter.png
The early reflections filter in DeVerberate 3
The reverb reduction algorithm from version 2 is included for music and other audio sources. Both algorithms split the incoming audio into an estimation of the direct sound and the reverberated sound which can then be recombined freely.
Additionally, a unique Early Reflections Filter that works in conjunction with the reverb suppression algorithms is included. The Early Reflections Filter uses sophisticated statistical methods to estimate the so called impulse response of the early reflections, which is then used to cancel out the effect of the early reflections.
Acon Digital DeVerberate 3 is available as VST, VST3 or AAX for both Windows and Mac or as AU plug-ins for Mac. There are 32 and 64 bit versions for Windows. The Mac version is 64 bit and runs natively on both ARM (such as Apple M1) and Intel processors.
Platforms and Plugin Formats
Available as VST, VST3 or AAX plug-in on PC (Windows)
Available as VST, VST3, AAX or AU plug-in on Apple Macintosh (OSX)
Native 32 bit and 64 bit versions are available
Mac version runs natively on ARM64 and Intel
Supports sampling rates up to 96 kHz
Acon Digital DeVerberate
Fully automatic dialogue reverb reduction based on deep learning
Manual mode for music and other signal types with adjustments of the original reverberation’s level and decay times
Separate adjustments of the direct sound and the reverberation levels
Early reflections filter
Frequency spectrum representation of the of the following signals:
Input signal
Output signal
Estimated reverberation
Frequency emphasis filter for the the reduction level
High and low shelving filters with variable slopes (-3 to -96 dB / octave)
High and low peak filters with adjustable bandwidth (0.1 to 3.0 octaves)
Graphical representation of frequency response
Editing of filter settings through handles in the frequency response curve
EUCON and full Pro Tools HW controller support
