FANTASTiC | 16 January 2025 | 543.01 MB
辽阔的阿拉斯加拥有人类已知的最原始的自然风光。这片最后的边疆拥有极其独特的野生动物、广阔的荒野和令人惊叹的山脉。尽管阿拉斯加地处偏远,人口稀少,但那里的生态系统仍然受到气候变化的严重威胁。2024 年 6 月,Splice 徒步深入德纳里国家公园、费尔班克斯和基奈峡湾等原始景观,以保存和展示来自这片原始环境的罕见声音。其结果是一组身临其境的现场录音、音效和拟音,将您带到这片狂野而不断变化的景观中。
由作曲家兼音响设计师 Charles Van Kirk 录制,并由 Splice 的常驻制作人 Sam Kearney 编辑,阿拉斯加荒野充满了湍急的河流、强大的瀑布、各种鸟类、树皮、树枝、泥土、雷声,甚至一些熊粪打击乐的现场录音。 Kearney 选取了部分原始素材,制作了电影般广阔的特效以及节奏循环,让您震撼不已。这些声音非常适合自然纪录片配乐、独立或植物学作品,或适合希望在作品中添加有机野性感的创意制作人。这些样本用途广泛、独一无二,而且 100% 阿拉斯加风情。所以,踏上广袤的土地,制作一些能激发您狂野一面的东西吧。
The vast expanse of Alaska is home to some of the most untouched nature known to man. The final frontier is home to incredibly unique wildlife, vast wilderness, and jaw dropping mountain ranges. Even though Alaska is remote, with sparse human populations, the ecosystems there are still under significant threat from climate change. Splice went on a trek into these untouched landscapes like Denali National Park, Fairbanks, and the Kenai Fjords to preserve and showcase the rare sounds from this pristine environment back in June of 2024. The result is an an immersive pack of field recordings, sfx, and foley that transport you to this wild yet changing landscape.
Recorded by composer and sound designer Charles Van Kirk and edited by Splice regular producer Sam Kearney Alaskan Wilderness if filled with field recordings of rushing rivers, powerful waterfalls, a variety of birds, bark, branches, mud, thunder, and even some bear scat percussion. Kearney took some of this source material and crafted cinematic and expansive fx as well as rhythmic loops that will blow you away. These sounds are ideal for a nature documentary score, an indie or botanica production, or for the creative producer looking to add a sense of organic wildness into their production. These samples are versatile, unique, and 100% Alaskan. So take a trek into the vast expanse and make something that brings out the wild side of you.
219 Samples
