P2P | 27 December 2021 | 369 MB
我们已经计划了一个号角项目有一段时间了(我们的第一次录音是在 2012 年),但直到现在,许多事情都阻止了我们这样做——即我们想避免需要太多的按键开关,而能够控制气流。
遵循 Giorgio Tommasini 博士和 Samplemodeling 关于谐波对齐的原始方法,我们开发了自己的方法,并将其称为 HAT(谐波对齐技术)。这项技术使我们能够准确地再现音色从非常柔和到非常响亮的演奏演变。
我们找到了一种通过将样本作为声源来结合这两种技术的方法,而其余的则利用建模技术。这使得 V 号角每个乐器的重量仅为 90Mb 左右(包括视网膜图形和预设),听起来真正像一个真正的现场圆号乐器正在录制,尽管它的所有缺陷,并且具有完全连续的响应和令人难以置信的可玩性。
我们有信心对我们说,希望您的耳朵也是如此,VHorns 是当今可用的最逼真、最易于使用的 VST。以下是一些真实音乐家的表演,以及我们使用 VHorns 重新创建的内容(并用于我们的演示)。
We have been planning a horns project for awhile, (our first recordings were back in 2012) but many things prevented us from doing it until now – namely the fact that we wanted to avoid the need for too many keyswitches, in favor of being able to just control the air flow.
Thanks to our recent work on a hybrid technology blending samples and modeling, we were able to overcome both of these problems and take advantage of having the best of both worlds: impeccable authentic sounding horns with a simple, powerful way of playing them.
Following the original approach of Dr. Giorgio Tommasini and Samplemodeling on harmonic alignment, we developed our own approach and called it HAT (Harmonic Alignment Technology). This technology allows us to accurately reproduce the timbre evolution from very soft to very loud playing.
We found a way to combine both technologies by using samples as the sound source, while the rest utilises modeling techniques. This allows V Horns to weigh just around 90Mb per instrument (retina graphics and presets included), to truly sound like a real live Horn instrument being recorded with all of its imperfections, as well as having fully continuous response with incredible playability.
And we are confident in saying that to our ears, and hopefully yours too, VHorns is the most realistic and easy-to-use VST available today. Here are a few performances from real musicians and what we recreated using VHorns (and used for our demos).