P2P | 31 December 2024 | 2.21 GB
sho 是自由簧片乐器,是雅乐宫廷管弦乐队音乐中使用的三种主要木管乐器之一。它由 17 根细长的竹筒组成,由于其形状,有时据说它像一只静止的凤凰。在古代,sho 流畅的色调特征与从天而降的光线有关。
在完成世界上第一个全面的 sho 采样后,Sonica Instruments 很自豪地将 SHO 库添加到 Virtuoso Japanese 系列中。
– 著名 sho 表演者 Ko Ishikawa 无可挑剔的声音和技术的绝世录音。
– 所有 15 个管子* 和 11 个和弦的单音在每个奏法中单独采样,使该库适用于从雅乐到现代音乐的所有音乐风格。
– 对 sho 演奏技巧的详细分析导致了一个乐器模型,该模型允许演奏 sho 独特的音群(和弦)和单音的任意组合。
– 两种键模式,包括传统的指法模式,该模式复制实际的 sho 指法,每个管道一个键。
– 管道指示器让表演者看到 sho 的管道布置并监控当前正在播放的管道。
– 带有传统的 sho Pythagorean 调音、平均律调音和完全可定制的调音,可无缝覆盖古典和现代音阶音调。
– 独特的 Key Trigger Connection 功能让表演者可以在不打断声音的情况下通过各种丰富多彩的发音。
– 表情控制自然连续地调整色调颜色,没有渐变。
– 合奏选择器模拟最多三名表演者的 gagaku 合奏表演。
– 库活泼而微妙的声音以完整的 24 位 96 kHz 保真度采样(库本身包含 24 位 44.1 kHz 样本)。
– 使用多麦克风样本和专用混音器创建您自己的混音,该混音器具有 Direct、Overhead、Room 和 Stereo Mix 的单独控件。
– NKS 就绪且兼容 Kontakt Player。
Ko Ishikawa 在采样环节中演奏了 sho。虽然他与雅乐乐队一起演出,但他同样精通现代音乐。通过他精湛的演奏,我们解构了乐器的复杂结构,并仔细捕捉了每根管子的声音。
该库包含许多用和弦音和单音录制的奏法:Straight(呼出的音/吸气的音)、Flutter(呼出的音/吸气的音)、Sforzando、Crescendo、Tremolo Slow(呼出的音/吸气的音)和 Tremolo Fast(呼出的音/吸气的音)。
我们设计了 Sho 界面,可以独立演奏 11 个 aitake 音簇(和弦),其中同时演奏多个管子,以及一次只演奏一个管子的 itchiku 单音。该界面还包括独立的发音控制。
【Pipe Indicator】让表演者可以看到 sho 的管道布置,并监控当前正在播放的管道。竖线标有其传统的音符名称。当弹奏 11 个和弦中的一个时,传统和弦名称会出现在中心。而且,由于 Pipe Indicator 与 Scale Tuning 框(如下所述)配合使用,因此它对于使用键盘上的音符来监视每个管道的音符非常有用。
该库带有两种键盘模式:Chromatic 模式将键盘映射到半音阶,以及 Trad。指法模式将一个白键映射到一个管道,以重现真实 sho 指法的感觉。在 Trad.指法模式,将双手的手指放在 15 个白键上,就像盖住 15 个白键上的孔。这种安排不仅让 sho 表演者在图书馆有宾至如归的感觉;它也是学习和理解乐器的很大帮助。
The sho 以其看似无穷无尽的流动音调而闻名,这些音调通过呼吸技巧进行了修改,产生了丰富的发音。大多数运音法在保持声音的同时从一个运音法混合到另一个运音法。专为重现这种演奏技巧而设计,按键触发连接让表演者只需在演奏时按下指定的琴键,即可在任何奏法之间流畅自然地切换。
在弹奏单个音调时,或者当弹奏其他管道以添加更多音调时,当从一个管道过渡到另一个管道时,你可以启用或禁用 Legato sustain。使用复音连奏重现了 sho(一种多管乐器)独特的音调行为。
雅乐宫廷音乐是由多名表演者用每种乐器以浑厚的齐声演奏。Ensemble 选择器允许您从独奏者、双表演者或三人表演者合奏中进行选择。其他控件可调整独奏者与其他表演者之间的平衡以及他们位置的分布。
采样在三个立体声麦克风位置(Direct、Overhead、Room – 以及 Stereo Mix)中录制。提供完整的混音控制,每个通道都有单独的音量、立体声宽度、声像、混响发送和 EQ 调整。SHO 还带有高质量的卷积混响,可提供出色的乐器内声音创作。并行输出总线将麦克风通道发送到单独的 DAW 轨道,以实现更精细的混音会话。
使用 Load Manager,演奏者可以只加载所需的奏法。跳过不必要的样本可以从 Kontakt 引擎获得更好的性能。
你可以直接从 KONTAKT / KOMPLETE KONTROL 中调整律动的力度、摇摆、播放速度和其他参数。
该库标配 18 个 MIDI 律动,包括传统歌曲和短句,展示了该乐器的能力。当与即将发布的 Groove Inspirations MIDI 包结合使用时,Groove 浏览器可以让你访问一个广泛的乐句库。
适用于 NI Kontakt Player v6.6 及更高版本!
The sho is free reed musical instrument and one of the three primary woodwind instruments used in gagaku court orchestra music. Consisting of 17 slender bamboo pipes, it is sometimes said to resemble a resting phoenix because of its shape. In antiquity, the sho’s fluid tonal character was associated with light shining down from the heavens.
After completing the world’s first comprehensive sho sampling, Sonica Instruments is proud to add the SHO library to the Virtuoso Japanese Series.
Main Features
– Peerless recordings of the impeccable sound and technique of famed sho performer Ko Ishikawa.
– Single tones of all 15 pipes* and 11 chords sampled separately in every articulation, making the library applicable to all musical styles from gagaku to contemporary music.
– A detailed analysis of sho playing techniques led to an instrument model that allows playing any combination of the sho’s distinctive tone clusters (chords) and single tones.
– Two key modes, including a traditional fingering mode that replicates actual sho fingering with one key per pipe.
– Pipe Indicator lets the performer see the pipe arrangement of the sho and monitor the current pipes being played.
– Comes with traditional sho Pythagorean tuning, equal temperament tuning, and fully customizable tunings, for seamless coverage of both classical and contemporary scale tones.
– Unique Key Trigger Connection function lets the performer move through a colorful assortment of articulations without ever interrupting the sound.
– Expression control adjusts tone color naturally and continuously without gradations.
– Ensemble selector simulates gagaku ensemble performances with up to three performers.
– The library’s lively yet subtle sounds sampled in full 24-bit 96 kHz fidelity (the library itself contains 24-bit 44.1 kHz samples).
– Create your own mixes with the multi-microphone samples and a dedicated mixer with individual controls for Direct, Overhead, Room, and Stereo Mix.
– NKS ready and Kontakt Player compatible.
Carefully captured the sound of each individual pipe.
Ko Ishikawa played the sho for the sampling sessions. Although he performs with a gagaku group, he is equally well versed in contemporary music. Through his exquisite playing, we deconstructed the instrument’s complex structure and carefully captured the sound of each individual pipe.
The library contains many articulations recorded with both chord tones and single tones: Straight (exhaled tone / inhaled tone), Flutter (exhaled tone / inhaled tone), Sforzando, Crescendo, Tremolo Slow (exhaled tone / inhaled tone), and Tremolo Fast (exhaled tone / inhaled tone).
Innovative articulation mechanism recreates the instrument’s unique playing techniques
We designed the Sho interface to enable independent performance of 11 aitake tone clusters(chords), in which multiple pipes are played simultaneously, and itchiku single tones, in which just one pipe is played at a time. The interface also includes independent articulation control.
The Pipe Indicator lets the performer see the pipe arrangement of the sho and monitor the current pipes being played. The pipes are labeled with their traditional note names. When one of the eleven chords is played, the traditional chord name appears in the center. And because the Pipe Indicator works in conjunction with the Scale Tuning boxes (described below), it is very useful for monitoring the note of each pipe with notes on the keyboard.
The library comes with two key modes: The Chromatic mode maps the keys to the chromatic scale, and the Trad. Fingering mode maps one white key to one pipe in a way that recreates the feel of real sho fingerings. In the Trad. Fingering mode, placing the fingers of both hands on the 15 white keys is like covering the holes on the 15 pipes. This arrangement not only lets sho performers feel at home with the library; it is also a great aid to learning and understanding the instrument.
Expressing even the sound of one’s breath
The sho is known for its seemingly endless flowing tones modified by breathing techniques that produce a wealth of articulations. Most articulations blend from one to another while sustaining the sound. Designed specifically to recreate this playing technique, the Key Trigger Connection lets the performer change between any articulations smoothly and naturally just by hitting the assigned keys while playing.
This control gives the performer full flexibility over breath strength.
The expression control makes playing a keyboard feel like a wind controller, giving you access to smooth, dynamic breath expressions despite being sample based.
You can enable or disable legato sustain when transitioning from pipe to pipe while playing single tones or when playing additional pipes to add more tones. Using polyphonic legato recreates the distinctive tonal behavior of the sho, a multi-pipe instrument.
Gagaku court music is performed with multiple performers on each instrument playing in a thick-sounding unison. The Ensemble selector lets you choose from a solo performer or a two-performer or three-performer ensemble. Additional controls adjust the balance between the soloist and the other performers and the spread of their positioning.
Multi-microphone samples
Samples were recorded in three stereo microphone positions – Direct, Overhead, and Room – plus a Stereo Mix. Full mixing control is available, with individual Volume, Stereo Width, Pan, Reverb Send, and EQ adjustments for each channel. SHO also comes with a quality convolution reverb for excellent in-instrument sound creation. The parallel output bus sends the microphone channels to individual DAW tracks for finer mixing sessions.
With the load manager, the performer can load just the desired articulations. Skipping unnecessary samples can obtain better performance from the Kontakt engine.
MIDI Groove Browser
SHO features the incredibly useful Groove Browser, that lets you quickly find MIDI grooves and drag & drop grooves directly into your DAW.
You can adjust the grooves’ velocity, swing, playback tempo, and other parameters directly from KONTAKT / KOMPLETE KONTROL.
The library comes standard with 18 MIDI grooves, including traditional songs and short phrases that showcase what the instrument is capable of. When combined with the soon-to-be-released Groove Inspirations MIDI pack, the Groove Browser gives you access to an extensive phrase bank.
Works with NI Kontakt Player v6.6 and higher!