这是一款真正独特的乐器,它采用卑微的木槌和弓形音色,并将它们转化为不断发展的电声纹理,带有定制的颗粒状’森林’引擎。即使是非声音设计师也会喜欢令人回味的 UI,它允许您以无限的可能性变形、改变和生长森林。
Sonic Forest 包括一个令人惊叹的 UI,旨在激发您的音乐灵感。当您更改“Flood”、“Shade”和“Grow”等令人回味的控件时,界面中央的宁静图像会逐渐发生变化,从而提供有关声音如何受到影响的反馈。
此中心区域是颗粒“森林”引擎的核心。当你弹奏各种运音法时,按下【Plant】按钮可以捕捉最后弹奏的采样,并将其拉伸到键盘上。然后,随着 Grow 旋钮的增加,将引入颗粒森林效果。【Volume】旋钮可以完全调低,只留下美丽、不断发展的森林声音。
不断发展的粒子声音使用 UI 中心的其余旋钮进行形状和更改。例如,Blossom 添加的颗粒的音高比原始声音高出 2 个八度。Flood 用郁郁葱葱的纯湿卷积混响冲刷了森林。Tangle 会增加颗粒效果的速度和强度,而 Wither 会逐渐在声音上施加包络以使其随着时间的推移而淡出。
除了颗粒引擎之外,Sonic Forest 还包括一系列有用的功能,例如琶音器和音序器、微调和 6 模块 FX 机架(可用于源奏法和森林)。
The Sonic Forest includes a stunning UI that is meant to inspire your music. The serene imagery in the center of the interface gradually changes as you change evocative controls like “Flood”, “Shade”, and “Grow”, providing feedback for how the sound is being affected.
This center area is the heart of the granular ‘forest’ engine. As you play with the various articulations, pressing the Plant button captures the last played sample and stretches it across the keyboard. Then, as the Grow knob is increased, the granular forest effect is introduced. The Volume knob can be turned down completely to leave only the beautiful, evolving forest sound in its place.
The evolving granular sound is shaped and altered using the rest of the knobs in the center of the UI. For instance, Blossom adds grains that are pitched up to 2 octaves above the original sound. Flood washes out the forest with lush, purely wet convolution reverb. Tangle increases the speed and intensity of the granulation effect, and Wither puts a gradual envelope on the sound to fade it out over time.
The sound design possibilities with this forest engine are endless!
In addition to the granular engine, the Sonic Forest also includes an array of useful features like an arpeggiator and sequencer, microtuning, and 6-module FX rack (which can be used on both the source articulations AND the forest.)