ohsie | 22 May 2023 | 1.99 GB
.安装 Vital
.将 Vital 文件夹复制并粘贴到 C:UsersyourusernameDocuments 文件夹。
里面的 Vital Pro 文件夹包含所有可购买的 Pro 内容 794 个预设。
Discord 文件夹包含另外 2,493 个用户共享预设。
.加载 Vital,单击“离线工作”。
Spectral Warping 波表合成器
扭曲波 通过使用 Vital 的频谱振荡器扭曲,赋予波表新的生命。
频谱 Warp 作用于波形的谐波,并且可以从简单的源创建截然不同的形状和音色。
使用 Vital 的音高拼接或 vocode 波表转换器将您自己的样本转换为波表。
使用内置的 wavetable 编辑器从头开始创建波表,甚至可以从文本生成波表!
Vital 是一个视觉合成器。通过动画控件、滤波器响应、波形、平滑的 LFO、示波器、三维频谱图等了解幕后发生的事情。
所有动画都以每秒 60 帧的速度运行,并且经过 GPU 优化,让您的 CPU 完成其真正的工作:音频处理。
通过快速的拖放式工作流程连接 Modulate Vital 的控件。
Vital 在提交之前为您提供调制的预览,以便您可以快速试验而不会破坏您的声音。
设计声音 使用自定义的 LFO 形状、活泼的包络和随机的源(如 perlin 噪声)来调制您的声音。
通过力度、触后和 MPE 控制调制为您的声音增添一些人情味。
然后 ‘remap’ 调制曲线以自定义每个调制连接的形状。
Windows:10 及以上
MacOS:10.12 及以上(Intel 或 Apple Silicon)
Ubuntu Linux 18.04 及以上
仅 64 位
OpenGL 3 或更高版本
Spectral warping wavetable synth
Warp waves in new ways
Give new life to wavetables by using Vital’s spectral oscillator warping.
Spectral warping acts on a waveform’s harmonics and can create drastically different shapes and timbres from a simple source.
Customize your sound
Turn your own samples into wavetables by using Vital’s pitch-splice or vocode wavetable converter.
Create wavetables from scratch using the built-in wavetable editor and even generate wavetables from text!
See everything
Vital is a visual synthesizer. See what’s happening behind the scenes with animated controls, filter responses, waveforms, smooth LFOs, oscilloscopes, spectrograms and more.
All animations run at 60 frames per second and are GPU optimized which leaves your CPU to do its real job: the audio processing.
Connect anything
Modulate Vital’s controls with a fast, drag and drop workflow.
Vital gives you a preview of the modulation before committing so you can quickly experiment without ruining your sound.
Design sounds with powerful tools
Modulate your sound with custom LFO shapes, snappy envelopes and randomized sources like perlin noise.
Give your sound some human touch with velocity, aftertouch and MPE control modulation.
Get deep into modulation
Use stereo modulation to split the left and right channels of every modulation to get extra wide stereo effects.
Then ‘remap’ the modulation curve to customize the shape of every modulation connection.
Supported Operating Systems:
Windows: 10 and higher
MacOS: 10.12 and higher (Intel or Apple Silicon)
Ubuntu Linux 18.04 and above
System Requirements:
64 bit only
OpenGL 3 or higher
