Team R2R | 22 Dec 2024 | 2.8MB
Slapper 是一款多抽头环绕延迟器,具有令人惊叹的直观界面、出色的控制台集成和一些奇特的声音设计潜力。
您可以制作任何东西,从阁楼到峡谷……从简单的人声拍打到极其复杂的切分音凹槽 – 并且您可以快速、准确地完成这一切,脸上还挂着灿烂的笑容。Slapper
我们真的不在乎精确的几何形状或建模的声学环境。我们设计 Slapper 是为了“有效”——而不是“真实”。
这几乎是作弊。即使是最小、最蹩脚的单声道声音也可以立即展开成一场令人惊叹的沉浸式事件。使用 8 个单独的延迟,您可以将每个延迟停放在扬声器位置,并真正清晰地定义空间的几何形状,而不会让观众淹没在混响中。
一旦您尝试了 Slapper,您的大脑将永远改变。您将对空间和时间的关系有新的理解。然后,就在您掌握它之后,您就会发现 Tape-Mode,一种完全迷幻的宇宙结构租赁。保持冷静并坚持下去。
此版本包含 Slapper 和 SlapperST。
* 运行时不需要 iLok 驱动程序。
* 我们的版本加载速度比原版更快,占用的 RAM 更少。
Expect significant delays
Slapper is a multi-tap surround delay with a stunningly intuitive interface, fantastic console integration and some freakish sound design potential.
You can make anything from an attic to a canyon… from a simple vocal slap to insanely complex syncopated grooves – and you’ll do this quickly, and precisely, and with a big smile on your face.
Slapper’s interface is so intuitive, so ergonomically tuned, that it really is a joy to use. Whatever you do with it, it’s always going to look exactly like it sounds.
Evocative spaces
We really don’t give a shit about accurate geometry or modelled acoustic environments. We designed Slapper to be ‘effective’ – not ‘real’.
We want your audience to really feel like they’re in that courtyard, attic, or valley, and we don’t mind lying and cheating to make that happen. We want to sell the idea of a space to your audience – not your physics teacher.
Instant immersion
It’s almost cheating. Even the smallest, lamest, mono sound can be instantly unwrapped into a breathtaking, immersive event. With 8 separate delays you can park each one at a speaker position and really clearly define the geometry of the space, without drowning the audience in reverb.
Warps your mind – permanently
Once you’ve tried Slapper your brain will be changed forever. You will have a new understanding of the relationship between space and time. Then, just as soon as you’ve come to grips with it, you will discover Tape-Mode, a completely psychedelic renting of the fabric of the universe. Just stay calm and ride it out.
A witch says,
This release includeed both Slapper and SlapperST.
* No iLok drivers are required to run.
* Our release loads faster and uses less RAM than original.