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TRAKTOR PRO 4 是各个级别的数十万 DJ 的首选软件。自由、灵活和强大的创意表演工具让您超越标准进行混音。TRAKTOR
PRO 4 不仅仅是一个更新,而是基于 DJ 社区的愿望和要求的全新开发。
得益于突破性的技术和不懈的创新,TRAKTOR PRO 4 提供了一系列令人印象深刻的功能,让您可以充分利用自己的创造力。从先进的混音工具(例如 iZotope 的 AI 驱动主干分离)到优化的效果、灵活的节拍网格、创新的模式播放器和集成的 iZotope Ozone Maximizer(可防止录音剪辑和失真)——每个细节都经过精心设计,为您带来无与伦比的 DJ 体验。TRAKTOR
PRO 4 是全球 DJ 的首选,从休闲混音师到节日头条人物。使用下一代工具、高品质效果和无缝硬件集成提升您的表现,所有这些都旨在让您完全控制声音。
使用 TRAKTOR PRO 4,将您的 DJ 表演提升到新的高度,这是一款业界领先的 DJ 软件,受到全球专业人士的信赖。无论您是在家混音还是在音乐节上担任主角,Traktor Pro 4 都能提供先进的工具、高品质的效果和无缝的硬件集成。
享受 4 卡座管理、灵活的节拍网格和 Ozone Maximizer 等功能带来的终极控制。使用录音室级的效果、主干分离和标志性鼓模式增强您的创造力。TRAKTOR PRO 4 与所有主流 DJ 硬件兼容,可确保您的设备始终同步且音质出色。立即开始使用 TRAKTOR PRO 4 提升您的 DJ 体验。
→ 主要功能一览:
• 4 卡座控制:在音轨、主干和混音模式下管理最多四个卡座,获得动态的 DJ 体验。
• 可靠的同步:通过先进、灵活的节拍网格让您的节拍保持完美一致。
• Ozone Maximizer:使用 iZotope 屡获殊荣的技术提高响度,保持清晰度和动态。
• 录音室级效果:使用 40 多种 Native Instruments 效果转换您的音轨。
• 高品质主干分离:精确分离和操控鼓、贝斯、乐器和人声。
• 模式播放器:将顶级制作人的标志性鼓模式和声音添加到您的混音中。
• 即插即用兼容性:与 CDJ、俱乐部混音器和其他 DJ 硬件无缝集成。
• 智能播放列表:使用 Beatport 和 Beatsource Streaming 高效组织您的资料库并访问数百万首曲目。
→ 创意工具
通过 iZotope 传奇的 RX 技术的词干分离功能改变您的混音和重混方式。精确隔离和处理鼓、贝司、乐器和人声。并且通过呈现在您面前的每个词干波形,您可以高精度地静音、控制音量或应用滤波器和效果。
将标志性鼓机和顶级制作人的声音带入您的设备。Pattern Player 配备了打击乐套件,包括行业传奇人物如 Rebekah、Luke Slater、Len Faki、Chris Liebing 等的标志性鼓。
通过标志性的 Traktor 混响、拉伸算法、创意延迟等将您的音轨带入另一个维度。拨入并组合四个可分配效果处理器中的 40 多个选项来扭曲、调整或完全改变您的音乐。即时重混 使用业界最可靠的循环、Hotcue 和 beatjump 工具
切碎和重新编辑音轨。另外,还可以添加样本和效果,并使用 Remix 卡座同步触发它们与其余混音。
→ 性能 灵活
混音迪斯科?嘻哈?爵士?没问题。灵活的节拍网格非常适合在流派之间移动或混合具有变化节奏的曲目。Traktor Pro 4 的灵活节拍网格可以精确跟踪整个曲目中的每个节奏变化。并且与其他 DJ 系统不同的是,当您点击同步时不会影响音频质量。通过高度精确的循环、节拍跳跃、节拍效果分层和节拍对齐,让您的混音听起来恰到好处。
使用 Ozone 最大化您的声音
将您的声音和设备提升到新的高度,同时保护混音免受削波和失真。Ozone Maximizer 采用了 iZotope 屡获殊荣的 Ozone 母带制作软件的技术。其智能释放控制可以让您提高设备的响度而不会失真。
可与任何俱乐部标准混音器、转盘或 CDJs 即插即用。 Traktor 时间码控制黑胶唱片 (DVS) 意味着您可以将黑胶唱片与所有数字曲目混合的感觉保留下来,还可以使用 Beatport 或 Beatsource 流媒体。如果您正在模糊 DJ 和表演之间的界限,MIDI 同步和 Ableton Link 可让您连接外部软件和硬件以构建广泛的混合设置。Pattern
Player 贡献制作人
在过去二十年里,Traktor 不断受到社区和顶级艺术家的反馈的影响。
随着 Pattern Player 的推出,我们让最喜欢的 Traktor 艺术家更加接近彼此。感谢 Nicole Moudaber、Len Faki、Luke Slater、Chris Liebing、Rebekah、Dubfire 等人,我们现在精心挑选了签名样本套件供整个社区使用。
使用 Beatport Streaming Advanced 或 Beatsource Streaming 直接连接到 Traktor Pro 4,即可获得两个月的免费流媒体服务。探索和标记数百万首曲目,然后将它们与您自己收藏的音乐混合。仅适用于新 Beatport 用户。Traktor
使用 Traktor S2、S4、X1 和 Z1 亲自进行混音。CDJ
将 Traktor 连接到任何兼容的俱乐部混音器或 CDJ。DVS
使用 Traktor Control Vinyl 保留在您自己的转盘上播放黑胶唱片 DJ 的感觉。
手动 MIDI 集成
在 Traktor 中为您能想到的几乎任何工作流程创建自己的映射。
• macOS 12.0 或更高版本
• Apple Silicon 或 Intel Core 处理器
TRAKTOR PRO 4 is the go-to software for hundreds of thousands of DJs, at every level. Mix beyond the standard with freedom, flexibility, and powerful creative performance tools.
TRAKTOR PRO 4 is not just an update, but a completely new development based on the wishes and requirements of the DJ community.
Thanks to ground-breaking technologies and relentless innovation, TRAKTOR PRO 4 offers an impressive array of features that allow you to fully utilise your creativity. From advanced remix tools, such as iZotope’s AI-driven stem separation, to optimised effects, flexible beat grids, the innovative pattern player and the integrated iZotope Ozone Maximizer, which prevents recordings from clipping and distortion – every detail has been carefully designed to give you an unrivalled DJ experience.
TRAKTOR PRO 4 is the go-to choice for DJs worldwide, from casual mixers to festival headliners. Elevate your performance with next-generation tools, high-quality effects, and seamless hardware integration, all designed to give you complete control over your sound.
Take your DJ performances to new heights with TRAKTOR PRO 4, the industry-leading DJ software trusted by professionals worldwide. Whether you’re mixing at home or headlining a festival, Traktor Pro 4 offers advanced tools, high-quality effects, and seamless hardware integration.
Enjoy ultimate control with features like 4-deck management, flexible beatgrids, and Ozone Maximizer. Enhance your creativity with studio-grade effects, stem separation, and iconic drum patterns. Compatible with all major DJ hardware, TRAKTOR PRO 4 ensures your sets are always in sync and sound amazing. Get started today and elevate your DJ experience with TRAKTOR PRO 4.
→ Key Features at a Glance:
• 4-Deck Control: Manage up to four decks in Track, Stem, and Remix Mode for a dynamic DJ experience.
• Reliable Sync: Keep your beats perfectly aligned with advanced, flexible beatgrids.
• Ozone Maximizer: Boost loudness with iZotope’s award-winning technology, maintaining clarity and dynamics.
• Studio-Grade Effects: Transform your tracks with over 40 Native Instruments effects.
• High-Quality Stem Separation: Isolate and manipulate drums, bass, instruments, and vocals with precision.
• Pattern Player: Add iconic drum patterns and sounds from top producers to your mix.
• Plug-and-Play Compatibility: Seamlessly integrate with CDJs, club mixers, and other DJ hardware.
• Smart Playlists: Efficiently organize your library and access millions of tracks with Beatport and Beatsource Streaming.
→ Creative Tools
Stem Separation
Transform the way you mix and remix with stem separation powered by iZotope’s legendary RX technology. Precisely isolate and manipulate drums, bass, instruments, and vocals. And with each stem waveform right in front of you, you can mute, control the volume, or apply filters and effects with a high level of accuracy.
Layer legendary drum sounds
Bring the sounds of iconic drum machines and leading producers to your sets. Pattern Player is packed with percussion kits, including the signature drums of industry legends like Rebekah, Luke Slater, Len Faki, Chris Liebing, and many more.
Studio-quality effects
Take your tracks to another dimension with iconic Traktor reverb, stretching algorithms, creative delays, and much more. Dial in and combine over 40 options across four assignable effect processors to twist, tweak, or totally transform your music.
Remix on the fly
Chop and re-edit tracks however you like with the industry’s most reliable loop, Hotcue, and beatjump tools. Plus, add samples and effects and trigger them in sync with the rest of the mix with Remix decks.
→ Performance
Flexible Beatgrids
Mixing disco? Hip hop? Jazz? No problem. Flexible beatgrids are ideal for moving between genres or mixing tracks with a changing tempo. Traktor Pro 4’s flexible beatgrids precisely follow each tempo change throughout the track. And unlike other DJ systems, there’s no impact on the audio quality when you hit sync. Get your mix sounding just right with highly-accurate looping, beat jumps, beat effect layering, and beat alignment.
Maximize your sound with Ozone
Take your sounds and sets to new heights while protecting the mix from clipping and distortion. Ozone Maximizer utilizes technology from iZotope’s award-winning Ozone mastering software. Its Intelligent Release Control allows you to boost the loudness of your sets without distortions.
Any setup you like
Plug and play with any club-standard mixer, turntables, or CDJs. Traktor Timecode Control Vinyl (DVS) means you can keep the feel of mixing vinyl with all your digital tracks, plus Beatport or Beatsource Streaming. And if you’re blurring the lines between DJing and performance, MIDI syncing and Ableton Link let you connect with external software and hardware to build extensive hybrid setups.
Pattern Player contributing producers
Over the past two decades, Traktor has continuously been shaped by feedback from our community and top artists.
With the introduction of Pattern Player, we’ve brought our favorite Traktor artists even closer. Thanks to Nicole Moudaber, Len Faki, Luke Slater, Chris Liebing, Rebekah, Dubfire and many more, we now have carefully curated signature sample kits for the whole community to use.
Stream your tracks
Get access to two months of free streaming directly connected to Traktor Pro 4 with Beatport Streaming Advanced or Beatsource Streaming. Explore and tag millions of tracks, and then mix them alongside the music in your own collection. Only available to new Beatport users.
Traktor Controllers
Create a setup that works for you with a huge range of controller options.
Traktor controllers
Get hands-on with your mix with Traktor S2, S4, X1, and Z1.
CDJs and mixers
Hook up Traktor to any compatible club-mixer or CDJs.
DVS systems
Keep the feel of DJing vinyl on your own turntables with Traktor Control Vinyl.
Manual MIDI integration
Create your own mappings in Traktor for just about any workflow you can think of.
Supported Operation System:
• macOS 12.0 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor